Including spruce, sooty (formerly blue), ruffed, and sharp-tailed grouse
• Area restrictions in Unit 14C. Handout available at Anchorage ADF&G or online at
• Season begins later -- the day after Labor Day -- in Unit 14
• Lead shot is now prohibited in shotguns for all bird hunting
in Unit 26
Units 1–6:
Five per day
, ten in possession............................................
Aug 1-May 15
Units 7 and 15:
Ten per day
, twenty in possession; of which not more than one per day and two in
possession may be ruffed grouse.
Aug 10-Mar 31
Units 8 and 10:
no open season
Units 9, 17–19, 21–24, and 26:
Fifteen per day
, thirty in possession
Aug 10-Apr 30
Unit 11:
Fifteen per day
, thirty in possession
Aug 10-Mar 31
Units 13, 14A, 14B, and 16:
Fifteen per day
thirty in possession of which not more than two per day
and four in possession may be ruffed grouse..
Aug 10-Mar 31
Unit 14C:
Five per day
, ten in possession, of which not more than two per day and four in possession may be ruffed grouse.
.Sept 3-Mar 31
Unit 20D,
that portion lying west of the east bank of the Johnson River a
nd south of the north
bank of the Tanana River:
By falconry only,
ten per day
ten in possession, provided that not more than two per day and two in
possession may be sharp-t
ailed grouse...................................................................................
Aug 10-Aug 24
Fifteen per day
, thirty in possession, provided that not more than five per day and ten in possession
may be sharp-tailed grouse....................................................................................................
Aug 25-Mar 31
Units 12, remainder of Unit 20, and Unit 25:
Fifteen per day
thirty in possession..