Showing posts with label Hiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiring. Show all posts

Hiring Regional Engagement Coordinator | WI & W UP | RGS AWS

Job Type: Regional Engagement Coordinator
Location: Remote or home office centrally within ~130-mile radius of Stevens Point, WI
Region: Western Great Lakes (WI, Western UP MI)
Posting Open Date: Oct. 14, 2024
Posting Closing Date: Nov. 15, 2024 (Or until filled by an exceptional candidate)

At RGS & AWS, we believe forests are essential, not just for wildlife, but for all life. For more than 60 years, our foundation has been embedded in the tenets of sound science and the belief that sustainable forest management is integral to wildlife conservation. We create landscapes of diverse, healthy forests that provide homes for wildlife and opportunities for people to experience them. These same forests clean the air, filter water and support local communities.

We’re seeking an outstanding individual to increase member engagement. This position will includeorganizing fundraising banquets and events, along with engagement and education events for local chapters in your region, as well as helping develop and drive policy advocacy. The Regional Engagement Coordinator will empower volunteers to become conservation leaders, working with chapters that engage a larger network across the region for conservation delivery, advocacy and fundraising.

• Experience planning, executing and evaluating fundraising events with more than three years of experience collaborating with and leading community members, volunteers, staff and board members in project/event management.
• More than three years of experience with public speaking, email communications and other means of communicating with the public and community groups.
• Ability to lead and motivate with a passion for forest and wildlife conservation.
• Well-organized with experience managing multiple projects under deadlines.
• Ability to establish a home office centrally within the regional service area.
• Willingness to work hours that sometimes extend beyond the typical workday and workweek, including travel throughout the region (valid driver’s license required).
• A degree in communications, marketing, public affairs, social or environmental sciences or similar field is preferred.

Position Summary:
The Regional Engagement Coordinator will work directly with RGS & AWS volunteers to engage various stakeholders to increase advocacy, membership and fundraising opportunities at the local, state and regional levels. Specifically, the coordinator will:
• Work directly with chapter volunteers to help them organize and orchestrate fundraising events and activities such as banquets, shoots and online events. Responsible for a fundraising budget in the region.
• Effectively communicate with members, donors and supporters, including in-person, email and social media outreach, keeping them advised of relevant news and success stories.
• Support, encourage and empower current chapter leadership and cultivate new leaders.
• Host regular "meet and greet" events (in-person and virtual) with RGS & AWS staff and other professionals, offering presentations that engage donors, members and volunteers.
• In collaboration with the Vice President of Communications & Marketing, build relationships with local media (print and electronic) to publicize RGS & AWS activities and accomplishments.
• Support the RGS & AWS Membership Department on promotional drives and campaigns.
• Work directly with the RGS & AWS regional staff, the Development Director and Conservation Team to create on-the-ground positive involvement with local communities and businesses.
• Identify potential relationships with companies, foundations and donors capable of magnifying the RGS & AWS mission through their philanthropic vision.
• Notice opportunities to increase mission impact and convey them to colleagues across RGS & AWS program areas.
• Make independent decisions based on analysis, experience and judgment with appropriate oversight from supervisor. Work with supervisor to manage priorities, especially during busy seasons. 

Compensation | Application Instructions and full job posting

Hiring - Ruffed Grouse Society - Western Great Lakes - Regional Engagement Coordinator

Job Type: Regional Engagement Coordinator
Location: Remote or home office centrally within ~130-mile radius of Brainerd, MN
Region: Western Great Lakes – Minnesota, northwest Wisconsin, northeast Iowa (also assists with a
chapter in Seattle, WA).
Posting Open Date: November 30, 2023
Posting Closing Date: December 30, 2023 (Or until filled by an exceptional candidate)

At RGS & AWS, we believe forests are essential, not just for wildlife, but for all life. For more than 60
years, our foundation has been embedded in the tenets of sound science and the belief that
sustainable forest management is integral to wildlife conservation. We create landscapes of diverse,
healthy forests that provide homes for wildlife and opportunities for people to experience them.
These same forests clean the air, filter water and support local communities.
We’re seeking an outstanding individual to increase member engagement. This position will include
organizing fundraising banquets and events, along with engagement and education events for local
chapters in your region, as well as helping develop and drive policy advocacy. The Regional
Engagement Coordinator will empower volunteers to become conservation leaders, working with
chapters that engage a larger network across the region for conservation delivery, advocacy and
• Experience planning, executing and evaluating fundraising events with more than three
years of experience collaborating with and leading community members, volunteers,
staff and board members in project/event management.
• More than three years of experience with public speaking, email communications and other
means of communicating with the public and community groups.
• Ability to lead and motivate with a passion for forest and wildlife conservation.
• Well-organized with experience managing multiple projects under deadlines.
• Ability to establish a home office centrally within the regional service area.
• Willingness to work hours that sometimes extend beyond the typical workday and
workweek, including travel throughout the region (valid driver’s license required).
• A degree in communications, marketing, public affairs, social or environmental sciences or
similar field is preferred.

Position Summary:
The Regional Engagement Coordinator will work directly with RGS & AWS volunteers to engage
various stakeholders to increase advocacy, membership and fundraising opportunities at the local,
state and regional levels. Specifically, the coordinator will:
• Work directly with chapter volunteers to help them organize and orchestrate fundraising
events and activities such as banquets, shoots and online events.
• Effectively communicate with members, donors and supporters, including in-person,
email and social media outreach, keeping them advised of relevant news and success
• Support, encourage and empower current chapter leadership and cultivate new leaders.
• Host regular "meet and greet" events (in-person and virtual) with RGS & AWS staff and
other professionals, offering presentations that engage donors, members and volunteers.
• In collaboration with the Vice President of Communications & Marketing, build
relationships with local media (print and electronic) to publicize RGS & AWS activities and
• Support the RGS & AWS Membership Department on promotional drives and campaigns.
• Work directly with the RGS & AWS regional staff, the Development Director and Conservation
Team to create on-the-ground positive involvement with local communities and businesses.
• Identify potential relationships with companies, foundations and donors capable of
magnifying the RGS & AWS mission through their philanthropic vision.
• Notice opportunities to increase mission impact and convey them to colleagues across RGS
& AWS program areas.
• Make independent decisions based on analysis, experience and judgment with appropriate
oversight from supervisor. Work with supervisor to manage priorities, especially during
busy seasons.
Compensation:  Read the full job posting and/or apply

RGS Hiring Integrated Forest Habitat Biologist – 2 Positions WI

Job Type: Integrated Forest Habitat Biologist 2 Positions
Locations: Hayward, WI and Rhinelander, WI

Supervisors: Jon Steigerwaldt Forest Conservation Director

Region: Great Lakes/Upper Midwest

Starting Date: March 20, 2023

Term of Position: March 2023 to July 2024, likely to be extended with additional funding

Background and Primary Duties:

Established in 1961, the Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS) is North America’s foremost conservation
organization dedicated to creating healthy forests, abundant wildlife, and promoting a conservation
ethic. Together with the American Woodcock Society (AWS), established in 2014, RGS & AWS work
with private landowners and government agencies to develop critical wildlife habitat utilizing
scientific management practices.

The Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society (RGS & AWS) in partnership with the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), are looking to hire 2 motivated individuals to
work effectively with private landowners, industrial land owners, multiple state property managers,
multiple county forests, and the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest on forest habitat
improvement initiatives. The Integrated Forest Habitat Biologist will function as a biologist,
technical service provider, and forest habitat manager across multiple forest ownerships in
Northern Wisconsin. The position will work with and under existing conservation staff to provide
habitat/timber treatment planning, habitat project administration, contract development and
oversight support, on-the-ground field assessments, stand evaluations, project prescriptions and
layout for improving habitat, biological surveys, and conduct public outreach.

These term positions will implement vegetation management project planning, design, and
monitoring on a diversity of forest lands. Active forest management efforts will be implemented to
achieve wildlife, silviculture and timber objectives. In particular, the position will focus on restoring
forest structure, composition, and age-class diversity to assist the recovery of Eastern forest birds
and other forest wildlife that are dependent on specific forest types such as early successional, open,
or fire dependent ecosystems within the northern forest types of Wisconsin.


A passion for wildlife conservation and forestry.

Knowledge in the field of Wildlife Management, including: habitat management, young forest
habitat management, deer management, vegetation surveys, and wildlife surveys. Experience
in conservation biology and/or plan writing are a plus.

Knowledge in the field of Forest Management, including: forest inventory, timber marking,
GPS data collection, forest operations, and silviculture. Ability to assess wildlife habitat and
make connections between forest management and wildlife habitat needs. Experience in
environmental regulations and/or project management are a plus.

Excellent spoken and written communication skills, well organized, and ability to engage a
diversity of stakeholders, private land owners, and public lands managers.

Knowledge of project planning prerequisites such as NEPA, National Heritage Inventory,
and cultural resources reviews as they pertain to public and private lands.

Ability to track accomplishments and produce reports with guidance from other team

Read the full job post including how to apply

Hiring - PhD Position in Ruffed Grouse Population Dynamics - Madison Wi

PhD Position in Ruffed Grouse Population Dynamics

Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI
United States
Last Date to Apply:
02 Jan 2015 
Open until filled
Salary: $21,224
Start Date: 09/01/2015

Description: PhD Position available in Ruffed Grouse Population Dynamics

We are seeking an outstanding student to pursue the study of overwinter mortality of ruffed grouse in central Wisconsin. The student’s dissertation will involve radiotelemetry, collecting data on snow and forest conditions, and population modeling. Additional field or modeling components could be added depending on shared interests and funding opportunities. The student will be advised by Benjamin Zuckerberg ( in collaboration with Jon Pauli ( and Zach Peery (http://labs.russell....ery/zach-peery/). The PhD assistantship is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2015. Note: this position is contingent on sufficient funding which will be determined in December.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and will continue until a suitable candidate is chosen. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply. The position is open to both US citizen and international candidates. Current annual stipend levels are $21,224 per year before taxes, plus tuition remission and health care benefits. A start date of September 2015 is envisioned.

Interested applicants are asked to e-mail the documents listed below to our Student Services Coordinator Sara Rodock ( (in ONE PDF file please).
1) Our departmental graduate application cover sheet (
2) Letter outlining research interests, academic and professional backgrounds
3) Resume or CV
4) Copies of transcripts (unofficial copies acceptable at this point)
5) GRE scores
6) Names and contact addresses of three references

Questions should be directed to Dr. Zuckerberg (

Qualifications: Applicants must have A MS degree in wildlife, ecology, evolution or other related discipline. Applicants with a BS degree will only be considered if substantial relevant experience can be shown. A solid working knowledge of radiotelemetry, GIS, mark-recapture analysis, population ecology, and demographic modeling are required. Although not a requirement, the preferred candidate will have experience conducting field studies in winter conditions. Excellent English writing and verbal communication skills are essential.

Contact: Sara Rodock,

Hiring - Maine - M.S. Assistantship – Demographics of ruffed grouse in multiple use forest landscapes

University of Maine
Orono, ME, and regional field sites
United States
Last Date to Apply:
31 Aug 2014
Job Category: Graduate Assistantships
Salary: Stipend: $19,123 per year plus tuition and ½ Health Insurance Premium
Start Date: 09/01/2014

Description: I am seeking applicants for an M.S. position focused on evaluating the demographics of ruffed grouse in Maine. Our objectives for this project are to better characterize how forest management practices, forest habitat composition, and sport hunting influence variation in grouse survival and reproductive success. We will use a combination of mark-recapture, radio telemetry, and forest vegetation assessments to address these objectives. This project is a close collaboration with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW), and the successful applicant will work closely with MDIFW biologists and 1 other M.S. student. Field work will occur at two field sites, and each student will be responsible for supervising field operations at one of these two sites. Data collection protocols will be similar among sites, and all project data will be shared and available for the purpose of developing and addressing distinct research questions in support of each student’s graduate thesis.

The start date for this position is no later than September 1, 2014, with an earlier start date possible. The student will be supported primarily through a funded research assistantship, but may be required to serve as a teaching assistant for 1 or 2 semesters. Successful applicants will be expected to apply to the Graduate School at the University of Maine, and the student will be a member of the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology at the University of Maine. More information on the graduate program in our department can be found online at

To apply please submit the following by email to Dr. Erik Blomberg ( Cover letter describing your qualifications for the position, CV/Resume including GRE scores and undergraduate GPA, and contact information for at least three professional references. A single merged document is preferred.

Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

Qualifications: Required Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from a Wildlife Ecology, Biology, Natural Resource, or related program. A positive attitude and the ability to supervise a field crew in a remote setting is a must. The ability to tolerate less-than-pleasant field conditions, which include muggy buggy summers and cold snowy winters, is also mandatory. Must be physically fit and capable of hiking long distances in dense eastern forest habitat. Strong oral and written communication skills, experience with field work, and strong recommendations are required. Must possess a valid driver’s license. A strong academic record including undergraduate GPA (3.0 or better) and GRE scores (50% percentile or higher), plus relevant prior field experience, is desired.

Desired qualifications: Preference will be given to applicants with experience working in in forest communities and with knowledge of forest ecology. Prior experience with the following field skills are desirable: radio telemetry, avian capture and handling, vegetation sampling and identification of eastern forest plants, use of 4x4 vehicles, snowmobile or ATV operation, supervision of field crews. Any relevant experience with data analysis and/or scientific writing is also a plus.

Contact: Dr. Erik Blomberg,

Hiring - CT - Ruffed Grouse Resource Assistant

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
United States
Last Date to Apply:

Salary: $10.00 - $12.00 (depending on experience)

Description: Three seasonal resource assistants are needed from approximately August 8, 2014 - February 1, 2015 to study dispersal, home range, mortality and habitat use of ruffed grouse in Barkhamsted and Hartland Connecticut. Specific duties may include, but are not limited to: capturing and equipping grouse with radio transmitters, monitoring radioed grouse, vegetation sampling and data entry. A field vehicle will be provided but there is no housing available.

Qualifications: The preferred candidate will have a Bachelors degree in a related field, the ability to work independently as well as part of a team, able to carry and setup trapping equipment in remote locations and possess a willingness to work long hours (i.e. early mornings and late nights) in variable weather conditions. Candidates should also have prior experience with avian capture and handling, radio telemetry, vegetation identification, Microsoft Office and a variety of field equipment (i.e., compasses, GPS Units, telemetry receivers, prisms and 4 wheel drive vehicles).

Prospective candidates should send a cover letter, resume and 2 references to:
Kelly Kubik
Franklin Swamp WMA
391 Route 32
North Franklin, CT 06254 (email applications preferred)